Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Impressions: Andover "Meet the Candidates" Forum, October 18, 2010

First, I'd be remiss not to thank the League of Women Voters, our moderator Geri Nelson, and Marge Perry for providing the opportunity to the candidates to address the voters last night!  Thank you!

There was no Mayoral debate/forum last night.  Although Mayor Mike Gamache arrived early, his opponent Richard Kulkey did not respond to the League, nor did he appear, so the LWV moved on to a candidate forum for the Council candidates.

Only seven of us participated.  Mr. Eric Kohnke, who chose not to participate two years ago when he ran for Mayor, also failed to join us last evening.  Instead, it was a genuine pleasure to meet several of the candidates for the first time, including Brian Haugen, Shannen Schmeig and Jeff Shoemaker.  I had previously met Tony Howard, and of course both incumbents, Julie Trude and Don Jacobson.

I'm not going to "score" the debate/forum here - truly only the voters can do so.  I felt positive about my opening and closing statements, thought I did reasonably well answering questions, spoke well and clearly, and overall walked away with my dignity in place.  My wife was very positive - she doesn't often see me in these types of situations - and said I did a good job, and she was proud of me.

Based on their statements and replies to the questions, I would categorize my opponents in this manner:  fiscal and economic conservatives - Brian Haugen and Don Jacobson;  anti-government and economic and social conservatives - Shannen Schmeig and Jeff Shoemaker;  practical-minded moderates - Tony Howard and Julie Trude.  Me - I'd put myself down as a pro-government, moderate liberal.

From my notes during the meeting, these were the questions thrown at us in the 75-minute forum:
1.  List three projects you would like to see dealt with in the next four years;
2.  List strategies and incentives you would use to attract new businesses to Andover;
3.  What would we cut or eliminate from the budget?
4.  Should we continue the non-partisan election of Council members?
5.  With all of us running, should we continue to elect At-Large/Citywide, or move to a ward/district system?
6.  What are our feelings about saving money by doing less weed-cutting and by adding native plants?
7.  Are water gardens a good idea, as they are used in other communities?

I believe that QCTV is scheduling the Forum to appear on our local government channel(s) soon.  The schedule may be updated as soon as tonight.  I'm looking forward to watching and seeing how I did, and how it comes across to the viewers.  I hope you get a chance to tune in, too.

Here are my Opening and Closing Statements from the Forum:

Thank you League of Women Voters for hosting this candidates’ forum tonight.  I’d also like to thank each of you here – both in this room and watching at home for taking time to better make your voting choices on November 2nd.  And thank to my wife Cheryl, who gave me the initial inspiration to run. 

My name is Wes Volkenant, and I’ve been a resident of Andover for 10 years.  I’ve worked 20 years for Hennepin County, where I do training for new workers.  I am a former high school social studies and special education teacher.

I’m focusing on three key areas in this election – transit and roads, economic development and Andover’s image.  Many of our key roads in the northern Andover are deteriorating and we need to partner with Anoka County to address this. We have too few marked right-turn lanes on our main roads, and it is not safe to exit into neighborhoods like mine, or Jeff and Brian’s off of Hanson Boulevard.  And I’d like to see MTC routes or other transit options for better access to our community and fewer rush-hour jams.

Every one of us will tell you we need economic development in Andover.  We are a city of 30,000 that lacks retailers, gas stations and the flexibility to encourage more restaurants.  And I believe we need to better utilize the rail line that passes through Andover.

Our future may not include the major home-building of the past decade.  So, as we balance our traditional rural areas with our suburban commuter neighborhoods, let’s build that Clocktower and improve the image Hanson Boulevard presents, and let’s keep Andover residents here at home to eat, shop and fill their tanks.

Thank you again, for this opportunity to participate tonight.  It has taken an election for me to truly explore and learn to appreciate the many aspects of Andover, its beauty, its wide-range of neighborhoods, and yes, some things I would like to see us address in the next four years.  I’ve discovered this city has streets named Genie and Enchanted Drive, and as a cat-owner, I’ve come to learn how critical a dog park is needed in Andover. 

But this is not an election about my cat, or my political views and philosophy.   You can read that at my blog page – wesvolkopinion.blogspot.com.   For many of you, this election is about making a change and voting for a candidate with new perspectives.   My campaign themes are “A New Voice” and “Embrace Andover’s Future.” 

This election is not about the past ten or twelve years, it’s about the next four years.  Please vote for me on November 2nd.  Thank you!

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